Treating Ourselves with Kindness

Self-Care in Times of Collective Uncertainty

The path towards true self care is accepting balance and meeting yourself where you are in the present moment without judgement. Remember that your self-care only hinges on you and nobody else so show yourself a bit of empathy regardless of where you are on your journey to wellness. Recognize that these are weird times and weird times often make our brains function differently than they otherwise would as well. A few tips + reminders:

  • Opt for progress not perfection. When you brush your teeth at night, identify one sweet small victory from the day

  • Be gentle with yourself and have some compassion for the process you are working through. This is totally new territory for everyone. You are good no matter how you are coping.

  • Remember that there is no right way to feel right now and giving yourself permission to really feel and recognize your feelings is super important.

  • Set checkpoints throughout the day to touch base with your feelings. Ask yourself what triggers the feelings you are having? What makes you feel better? Are you getting enough sleep? Have you been getting fresh air? Have you moved your body or done any exercise lately? Are you nourishing yourself and sticking to a schedule? These mental checklists can often help us to find some balance, clear the clutter and get back on track.

  • Evaluate the expectations you have of yourself. Remind yourself that you are not obligated to improve your life in every way possible nor to get through this pandemic on top of your game.

  • Be generous with others and be tender with yourself.

You got this! Take it day by day and be sure to ask for help when you need it.


Ashley Reid RMT

Co-Founder and Director of Well-Beings